Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Paper Tower Challenge

This week we did the paper tower challenge as the title suggests.
This a tense moment, testing the towers strength. Blake, Quinton, and I

1. The part that I found most rewarding in the challenge is when we built our final tower because we could see our work coming together. The first tower didn't turn out so well because we hadn't taken  into account the fact that there were to many joints on the tower making it floppy.

2. The first tower was fairly close to our original idea but we saw the joint problem so we changed the whole idea and made a cylindrical tower, which was stronger than our first but not not as balanced.

3. I think that the best design from someones tower that we could  incorporate into our tower would be to make the base slightly wider because of the balance problem. Also, I think that our joint connecting the bottom of the tower to the top.


  1. I like your background and that you added a video to your post.

  2. I like how you used a video! Very interesting!

  3. I like the background but I don't think it goes with the rest of the blog. Nicely done though!

  4. I like the video and pictures. The background is very busy.
